$270.00 USD

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Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders

(If you would like to purchase this product for multiple members of your team, please contact us at [email protected])

360° Feedback: Everything DiSC 363 For Leaders® is Wiley’s best-in-class tool for 360 feedback. Why 363? Because 363 for Leaders provides 360 degree feedback plus three strategies you can put into action immediately.

The 363 for Leaders process involves having your manager, peers, direct reports, etc. provide structured feedback using an online rating tool. Instructions for selecting and communicating with raters will be sent via email following your purchase.

The Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders Profile focuses on:

  • Strategies to improve their leadership effectiveness
  • Clear visuals and conversational narrative style to interpret data effectively
  • Focused, balanced, and constructive feedback that allows for growth and learning

The Profile

The Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders Profile is a 22-page report that helps participants deepen their understanding of their own leadership style based on their DiSC® style. Participants learn the Eight Approaches to Effective Leadership while examining how colleagues perceive their performance against these approaches. Participants discover their greatest strengths as a leader and receive in-depth information and concrete strategies for improving three challenge areas determined by their raters.