The Loom

Our name, Retexo, means “to untangle,” or “un-weave.,” It shares the same root as the word “textile,” a woven cloth. We use that process of untangling threads, weaving, and sometimes unweaving as a metaphor for the personal growth and development that is so essential to effective leadership.

The Loom is a collection of the many resources that have informed our perspectives on life, business, leadership, human behavior, communication, and relationships over three decades. It includes books, articles, videos, quotes, maxims, mental models, frameworks, and more—all the multi-colored strands we have pulled together to form our fabric of our understanding. The Loom is where all the threads come together.

The Loom includes:

  • Books - an expanding collection of the books that have influenced our understanding of life, work, business, and leadership
  • Videos and Digital Media - Our most shared videos, TED Talks, podcasts, and other media.
  • Mornings with Martha - Martha's musings on a variety of work and life topics in a short video format.
  • Quotes, Maxims, and Other Wise Words - Retexo's favorite quotes, maxims, adages, and aphorisms—the little strands of insight and wisdom that we find most relevant and useful.
  • Mental Models, Frameworks, and Rubrics - Useful models and frameworks for making sense of the complexity that leaders encounter every day.
  • New content added regularly.


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