What is the Main Thing for 2024?

We're taking it easy this week, and we hope you are, too. These last few days of 2023 are the perfect time for some rest and reflection, and also for looking forward to the year ahead.

Here's an idea we are pondering this final week of 2023:

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

We got this excellent advice for living from a book called... Excellent Advice for Living, by Kevin Kelly.

This, of course, begs the question, what is the main thing? What is the main thing that matters to you in 2024?

For me, a main thing in 2023 was physical health. I'm happy to say I've taken some ground this year and I'm feeling confident I will be able to make even more progress in the months ahead, because I have found ways to keep that main thing the main thing.

The main thing: keeping the main thing the main thing

Important achievements are almost always the result of consistent effort over time, so, once you have identified main things that matter, how will you keep those main things the main things? (Hint: start by having very few main things).

Good luck, and happy almost New Year!



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