Research consistently shows that no single program experience builds strong leaders better than well-run peer groups.
Having extra sets of eyes looking objectively at your growth and performance from a different, but supportive perspective makes a world of difference.
Working with your peers means you don’t have to go it alone. You get the support and wisdom of others in similar roles while establishing healthy accountability to a group of people who care about your success and well-being. And you get to do the same for them.
Retexo has more than two decades experience leveraging the power of peer groups to help people connect and grow as leaders and as people.
Retexo offers both inside groups (intracompany) and outside groups (intercompany).

Intercompany Groups
for CEOs, Owners, and C-Level Executives
- For Presidents, owners, and/or C-Level executives from non-competing businesses
- Group size limited to 10-12 members
- Monthly half-day meetings
- Hosted by members in rotation
- 1-2 high-impact outside speakers per year
- Create connections and community in a confidential environment
- Work together on your most important issues
- Optional one-to-one coaching
Intracompany GroupsÂ
- For current and emerging leaders with similar job titles / roles inside an organization (e.g., all Director-level)
- Group size typically 8-10 members
- Monthly 3-hour meetings
- Share knowledge and different perspectives
- Create accountability for yourself, and provide it for others
- Develop your own in-house network of trusted advisors