Before we signed our daughter up for her first riding lesson, Martha and I had no experience with horses beyond an occasional trail ride at a state...
The year is now 2025! By the time we reach its end twelve months hence, fully one-fourth of the twenty-first century will be behind us.
The holiday season is upon us, and, ready or not, your emotional intelligence skills are about to be tested!
Last week we shared the first two...
It is rarely a lack of cognitive horsepower that derails careers, loses sales, damages relationships, or results in failed leadership initiatives.
...I have been called “stoic” on more than one occasion. I suppose that’s understandable, though my outwardly subdued demeanor...
I grew up with a wood-burning stove in the living room. It did a fantastic job of generating heat in the winter, though it was less fantastic at...
Learning involves far more than just memorizing information.
Learning is a process of change and adaptation that involves integrating new...
Pat Murray, a legendary executive coach and CEO group chair, defined a “real issue” as...
“any issue that causes everyone in the...
At your next all-hands meeting, look to your left, then look to your right. Odds are one of those people is either actively looking for a new job,...
The very peaceful-looking creature in the photo above is an agouti. About the size of a cat, an agouti looks kind of like a mini-capybara, to...
Engineering school, plus a few decades in the medical device industry, has given me ample reason to spend lots of time thinking about accuracy and...
Successful photography demands constant attention to tradeoffs and compromises. My preferred subjects are birds, and they rarely agree to pose...
Did you know that every September, many birds transform themselves into completely different species?
Redstarts metamorphose into robins, summer...
In Part One of this series on conflict, we looked at what we do that turns a difference of opinion into the sort of toxic confrontations...
We’re talking about conflict.
Last time we looked at the origin of the word itself. Conflict is literally about bashing things together....
To bash together.
That is the literal meaning of the word “conflict,” from the Latin com- or con-, for “with or...
Hi {{ first_name }}!
Last week we introduced Patient SM. If you missed it, start here.
By age four, a rare genetic disorder called...
In the year 1965, at an undisclosed location in the United States, a little girl was born with an extraordinarily rare genetic disorder called...
I do not like cold water.
I was a swimmer in high school, and I vividly remember a particular morning practice the day after the pool had been...
Through my hobby of bird photography, I have become adept at a very specific visual distinction: tree, or not tree.
I suspect we all have an...
The summer air crackled with a strange energy as I sat on the deck with coffee. Nature has a lot to say if you know how to listen. She expresses...
The intention of this blog is simple: help people feel better, so they can work better and live better.
It is exceptionally difficult to think...
Our daughter, Abby, is an eventer. Don’t worry if that means nothing to you. It meant nothing to me ten years ago either. Eventing is one of...
Just the other day, Martha and I set out for a walk with our dogs, Ruby and Spark. Spark is two years old, and is highly enthusiastic about, well,...